Saturday, June 11, 2011

Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW)


Women and girls. Seeking individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit. All ages. Must be willing or unwilling to travel. Flexible work schedule. Written and verbal communication skills not required. Experience in economic hardship, social isolation and inequality a plus. Applicants should have a comprehensive understanding of depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and substance abuse. We offer awards, trips and a unique combination of verbal abuse, sexually transmitted diseases and captivity with no opportunity for career growth. No references needed. All shifts available. Inquire within.

Actor: Elspeth Dehnert
Written and directed by Kim Sykes
Cinematography and editing by Jeffrey Hellman
Music by Judy Hyman Remixed by Jeff044

Learn more at

Monday, May 23, 2011

Nabucco by Verdi - Slaves Chorus

Here is the translation of Mae Preta

Mae Preta is a story written in Brazil about the treatment of the Black slaves. It was a poem turned to music for the Portuguese movie "The Lovers of the Tagus" which Amalia Rodrigues was supposed to sing. Because the lyrics referred to Portuguese dictator Salazar's background, the melody was kept but the lyrics were changed to "Barco Negro" (Black Boat). Amalia Rodrigues made this song famous. Black Boat is about a fisherman who dies at sea but his boat returns empty. His widow refuses to beleive he is dead because the boat dances in the sea. Amalia Rodrigues recorded Barco Negro and Dulce Pontes later recorded Mae Preta.

Wrinkled skin, white curly hair
Lace blouse down to the hips
Rocking the cradle of the Master's son
which not too long ago the Mistress gave birth to
Thus the Black mother carried on
Bringing up all the Whites (children) with much joy
But while in the slave's quarter's her little Black son was being flogged
Black mother not a tear did she dry
Black mother, Black mother
While the whip lashed at her beloved
Black mother cradled the Master's White son

Mae Preta (Black Mother) by Dulce Pontes

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

TST Project Report Form

Saturday, March 26, 2011

TST Meeting in Santa Clara

The Unesco Associated Schools of Cuba held a meeting in the city of Santa Clara about the Transatlantic Slave Trade Route.
The IPVCE "Che Guevara" was the host school and Professor Daniel Bulgado was commissioned to present our project.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Teachers talking about Trasantlantic Slave Trade

On the occasion of the UN International Day of Remembrance of the Victim of the Slavery and the trasantlantic Slave Trade (25 March)UNESCO Associated Schools (ASPnet) are participating in a global videoconference for teachers and educators on 23 March.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Campaña contra la trata de mujeres en España
A nivel mundial, junto con el tráfico de armas y drogas, la trata de seres humanos es uno de los negocios más lucrativos del mundo con unas ganancias de más de 32.000 millones de dólares anuales, En España más de 40.000 mujeres y niñas son víctimas de Trata con fines de explotación sexual.
Campaign against trafficking in women in Spain
Globally, along with weapons and drugs trafficking, trafficking in human beings is one of the most lucrative businesses in the world with revenues of more than 32,000 million dollars a year, in Spain more than 40,000 women and girls are victims of Trafficking for sexual exploitation.